Table tennis scorer

real-time table tennis scoring app

Photo of app design process \

A table tennis scoring web app with real-time broadcasting between devices.

I created this app for my workplace table tennis competition after struggling to find a solution that allowed scoring on a phone while displaying the score on a TV for the rest of the room too see.

Using this app, our setup involved an umpire using a phone, with a second device connected to a TV. By using two devices we could have the umpire using the 'scoring' view, while the rest of the room could see a much cleaner 'spectator' view.

The app allows the scorer to create a game on their phone, and then connect any number of other devices to the game to receive live scores. It supports scoring for games to 11 (2 serves per player) or 21 (5 serves per player), and both singles and doubles. During the game it will display who is serving and during doubles it will show where players need to be during service change.

Technical details: the UI is built with React and Redux, and running a simple Node Express server with to synchronise changes between the scorer and the clients.